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A hike to revisit the partisan trail of the 55th Garibaldi Brigade “Fratelli Rosselli”

As April 25th, the day of Italian liberation from Nazi fascism, approaches, we decided to retrace the initial stretch of the path followed by the partisans of the 55th Garibaldi Brigade “Fratelli Rosselli” to evade a Nazi-fascist roundup.

For this occasion, we chose to follow the segment from Introbio leading to the Tavecchia refuge. The group, consisting of 13 people, faced a challenging task, as many were not accustomed to mountain trails.

Nevertheless, morale remained high throughout, and the physical and mental exertion allowed us to further empathize with the shattered lives of the partisans who traversed these same paths, pursued by German troops, for many more kilometers and with less equipment.

Upon reaching the refuge, a large table awaited us, booked well in advance. Here, we embarked on a tasting journey of many specialties of the local cuisine: risotto, pizzoccheri, casseoula, brasato, boiled meats, etc., followed by a selection of cakes. After such a lunch, perhaps no one in the group felt the need to eat anything for dinner.

After lunch, a band awaited us on the refuge terrace, playing partisan songs. You might think the magic ended there, but shortly thereafter, snow began to fall, making the setting even more enchanting.

Before leaving, we paid tribute to the 55th Garibaldi Brigade “Fratelli Rosselli” by reading excerpts from documents of the time that recalled their humanity and courage in those dark times for Italian history.

About the trail

The trail is of moderate difficulty. Those who prefer can follow the drivable road (only used by refuge vehicles). The risk is losing some of the charm of the naturalistic trail and occasionally finding oneself immersed in the exhaust of these old jeeps that transport those with more difficulty to the top.

The trail that runs parallel to the road, but is separated from it by the river, is relatively simple, with two or three more challenging sections. In particular, a couple of streams to ford, a section where the trail has recently collapsed, and some uphill stretches with a lot of mud.

Some pics