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A Journey from Como to Brunate: Hiking to the Iconic Volta Lighthouse

First week back at work after the holidays, so activities are still ramping up. Many colleagues haven’t returned yet, and the days are still long, with sunsets happening late. Because of this, I decided to find a quick and simple yet satisfying trail that I could tackle after work.

I chose a very basic path that I’d hiked before but never tracked on Strava. The route starts in Como, not far from the lakeside or the train station, and follows an old mule track up to Brunate, leading to the famous Volta Lighthouse, a landmark visible from far away.

For the return, I decided to skip the second trail that passes under the funicular, which would have allowed me to complete a loop. With the sun setting, I opted for the convenience of taking the funicular back down to Como.

About the trail

The trail is technically easy, though the elevation gain—around 500 to 600 meters—is concentrated over just a few kilometers, which can be challenging if you’re not well-conditioned. Despite some parts feeling like a wild trail, you’re never far from urban areas, making it perfect for a quick hike. Plus, the sunset from the base of the Volta Lighthouse is quite a sight.