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Cycling Milan to the Sea: Reaching Genova in Just a Few Hours

For a long time, Liguria, for better or worse, has been the most convenient and direct gateway to the sea for Milanese residents. Perhaps this is why Ligurians have developed a somewhat less than hospitable attitude. Nevertheless, the feeling of setting out on a bike ride from home and reaching the capital of Liguria in just a few hours is indescribable, much like savoring a slice of the typical Genoese focaccia. Of course, the return to Milan is by train.

About the trail

The route is mostly on bike paths or secondary roads. In some sections, it’s necessary to navigate through slightly busier areas, but overall, we’re talking about a very low percentage.

The journey is easy and enjoyable, at least until you approach the Apennines. Here, you’ll need to tackle the point of entry to overcome the barrier that separates the Po Valley from the sea. Passing beneath the feet of the new Genoa San Giorgio Viaduct inevitably stirs strong emotions due to the vivid memories it evokes regarding the tragedy of the previous bridge collapse and the subsequent response of the country.